We love sharing stories…

waterfalls on brown mountain
Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Pexels.com

We love to share stories…

  • How it all happened? My sister kept bugging me about publishing a song that I had written about 14 years ago.
  • Brenita was insistent and so we started talking about how to do that!
  • While we were chatting we started reminiscing about our childhood, how much we enjoyed listening to stories about Jesus on our record player (lol- yep big vinyl records) and cassette tapes all while reliving stories of times we knew “God” had intervened in our lives.
  • We loved listening to stories our school teacher read or played while we drew quietly or relaxed on pillows on the floor in our simple church school building.
  • It was incredible to us how important those times were to us as children and now as adults.
  • That’s when we asked ourselves, wouldn’t it be nice to share our stories with others and to have others share their stories with us too?
  • So, here we are! Sharing our experiences with you and we hope you’ll share your experiences with us too.
  • We hope to publish our stories in a book to help encourage both young and old alike and share with you our Jesus experiences.
  • Jesus is like a fountain of crisp, clear, clean, bubbling spring of water for the weary, downtrodden, and thirsty on a hot, dreary day.
  • Draw up a chair, sit a while, and enjoy staying connected to others who have found “living water overflowing and bubbling up from their soul.”

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